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售價:19800 |
產品說明重量:200G ■陽極氧化鋁搭配 ■天然皮質確保絕對的舒適配戴 ■領先業界極輕的主動式降噪耳機 ■耳罩記憶海綿與柔軟的羊皮包裹 ■觸控模組 精準操控 ■40MM驅動單元、封閉式釹磁鐵 ■內建雙麥克風 ■台灣代理商 遠寬公司貨 |
搜尋參考資料: 1.Bang | Define Bang at Dictionary.com dictionary.reference.com/browse/bang noun 1. a loud, sudden, explosive noise, as the discharge of a gun. 2. a resounding stroke or blow: a nasty bang on the head. 3. Informal. a sudden movement or show ... bangsalon.com Bang Salon & Spa is a full service salon in Washington DC offering a haircuts, manicures, pedicures and massage. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bang! Bang! is a Wild West -themed card game, designed by Emiliano Sciarra and released by Italian publisher daVinci Editrice in 2002. In 2004, Bang! won the Origins Award ... www.bangvideogame.com BANG! THE SPAGHETTI-WESTERN BOARDGAME Multicross Launch trailer. Buy Bang! News; FAQ; Contact us; Videos; Multicross Launch Trailer; Gameplay Trailer
Bang is a really fun game that appeals to people that like both card games and board games. Plenty of strategy, bluffing, and fun to keep everyone interested. Bang&Olufsen B&O PLAY H8 淺褐金 藍牙無線 耳罩式耳機 |
資料來源:博客來 |